Saturday, September 26, 2009

Electric Car

Automobile sector will no longer be mechanical engineers monopoly. It is all going to be electric in the near future. Watch out for slow transition from petrol to hybrid to fully electric.

The low efficient mechanical parts like engine, drive train, gearbox can all be Incorporated in a single unit ie the wheels. Battery to wheel efficiency is nearly 90% and petrol tank to wheel efficiency is as low as 15%. Extensive research is going on for upgrading of batteries which is the major component of EVs(Electric Vehicles). Li ion batteries, which are common now(used in cell phones, are good, fast charging and light are used in EVs. Charging is a fun thing. Roll down a plug from the charging spot and plug it onto a socket. For longer drives carry a battery kit for added life of the car.

The running cost being electricity for charging up batteries and considering depletion of conventional sources of energy and raising cost of petrol, these cars put a greater threat to the very existance of petrol cars. Some models of cars tap solar energy to charge the batteries. People will no longer wander in search of shades for parking. Park your car in sunlight for a while and you are ready to roll. Also when brake is applied you are actually charging the batteries. Smart uh?? The energy loss due to braking is converted into electric energy. The electric motor transforms itself to a generator and stores energy, a technique known as regenerative braking.

In India where most of the travelling is under 100 km per day, EVs are a smart option. RAVA Electric Car Company, Banglore is the leading producer of Electric cars in the world. (I wonder when they will come up with a decent design). Tata is going to launch Electric Indica in 2010 and they claim to offer 300km/charging. Tesla Roadster, a high power luxury car which reaches 100kmph in just 4sec is making news for good reasons. Hopefully better technologies will evolve and large scale production will make this no emission/no noise/no maintenance cars economicaly competent to the petrol cars. All automobile majors are into vast R&D projects eyeing a bright future for EVs.

Watch the siemens video.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Girl I Respect the Most

Engineering ]U\w Hê hgn¡m¡nbn«v ]Wn Hìw CÃmsX tXc ]mc \Sç¶ kabw. Chs\ Fs§t\epw \mSp IS¯Ww Fì hnNcn¨ Kpê¡·msc æäw ]dªn«p Imcyw CÃ. Hê Znhkw cmhnse phone call...Kpê\m[³ s_¶n kmÀ. Aì¨ív Hê CâÀh} D­s{X. Xnc¡ntàs]mbv attend sN¿m³ D]t[iw. A¶s¯ t{]m{Kmw Hs¡ Iqew æjw Bbv BtemNn¨p ]pXnb kn\na Hìw CÃ. Iq«pImc³ ]Wnç t]mæì..dqan Cêì t_mdSn¡­. _nkn Bé. F¯m³ {ian¡mw Fs¶ms¡ PmSbn«v t^m¬ sh¨p. s]m«³ B«w ImW³ s]mb t]mse Rmëw sNì Hê ]äw _p²nPohnIfpsS CSbnte¡v. certificete copy, passport photo, resume Fs¶ms¡ ]dªv registration counter se s]®p¼nÅ Fs¶ hnc«m³ hì. Rm\cm tam³. I am not a problem Fì ]dªv Iangvì hoé Imep ]nSn¨p. klXm]tam AsXm sdPnt{Ìj³ ^o Bbv In«p¶ 100 cq]tbm, AsXm amëjnI ]cnKW\tbm. F´mbnêì Fs¶ tIän hnSmëÅ ImcWw. an¡hmdpw Fsâ ¥maÀ I­v ab§nbXmhpw

AXf ]n¯f tNmZy§tfmsSm¸w
interview sN¿p¶ XmSn¡mc³ AotoCAD Adnbptam Fì tNmZn¨p. ]ns¶ F\n¡dnbnÃ. AutoCAD Adnbm¯ engineerþHm Iãw. IqsS D­mbnê¶scms¡ BÀ¯p Nncnçì. C{Xbpw temtIm¯c Xami tI«n«p Rm³ am{Xw Nncn¨nÃ. aoiam[h³þse IWn I­ PKXnsb t]mse Rm³ \mWn¨p \nì. \½sfs§s\ engineering ]mÊv Bbv Fì ehë hsÃmw Adnbmtam?

Ernakulam CAD centreþC tNmZn¨ Iminsâ ]æXn sImSpXp ]Tn¡m³ tIdn.(_m¡n Fsâ ]«n sImSpçw). ¢mÊnse NcçIsf ]cnNbs¸«p. `mKy¯në Fsâ Pq\nbÀ Hê kpÔcn D­mbnêì. P·\ DÅ s]m¡anÃbva ImcWw AXp hÀ¡v Hu«v Bhnà Fì Dd¸mé. But iam a born fighter..u kno B§s\bncns¡ Hê sIm¨p kpÔcn hì. Engg graduate, good looking...thtd¶ thWw. sIm¯m³ t\m¡n. ASpç¶nÃ. \mSv tImXawKew BsWì ]dªt¸mÄ ]pÅn lm¸n Bbv. sNemSv h¶n«p­s{X. \à Imcyw. C\n Cu sImws_ tIdn Xq§mw. tImXawKewImc³ BbXn Rm³ ho­pw A`nam\n¨p. Cs¸m Xs¶ ]Tnt¨ Xoê F¶ hminbnencnç¶ ¢mÊvtaävkvþsâ CSbn F\n¡v hoÀ¸pap«n. CsXmìw \ap¡v ]cnNbanÃtÃm. knhn Pp\nbÀþs\bpw ]ns¶ t_mdSnçwt_mÄ Sos¨Àþs\bpw t\m¡n Rm³ kabw Ifªp.
   Hê Znhkw sIm¨p s]®v Cd§n, t]mcsI Rmëw sh¨p ]nSn¨p.
MG tcmUneqsS ]pdsI HSn ""lm CXêhm..CsX´m Cu hgn¡v'' XpS§n aptIjv \¼À Hs¡ C«p Rmëw IqsS IqSn. ]ntä Znhkw tNemSv t]mæì F¶hÄ ]dªp. CollegeþC D­bnê¶ seniour tN«³ AhnsS D­v s]mepw. Hmslm As¸m Bfp ]peymé. Ahsâ Hs¡ ssSw. Rm³ shdpsX shÅand¡n. CSív Hê ]q¡Sbn AhÄ \nì. \à Hê sdUv tdmkv hm§n.
   \Sì t]mæws_mÄ Rm³ Np½m tNmZn¨p. ]pÅn¡mcë sImSp¡m³ Bbncnçw AtÃ. BhÄ hÃm¯ Hê t\m«w t\m¡n. B apLs¯
expression F´msWë ]dbm³ F\n¡dnbnÃ. Hmê aÔlmkt¯msS AhÄ ]dªp.

""tN«ë sImSp¡\m...I_cnS¯n shím³''  

Economy Analysis

acs¯ sImÃm³ F´mé Ffp¸ hgn????tImSmen, hmÄ Fs¶ms¡ \n§Ä ]dbpw. F¶m B{^n¡ Fì ]dbp¶ tbtXm Hê Øe¯v Im«mf·À acw sh«pIbnÃs{X. Irjns¡m aäpw ac§Ä apdn¡Wsa§n AhÀ acs¯ sImÃpw... Fìw acs¯ I®p s]m«p¶ sXdn hnfnçw. A§s\ kln sI«v ] mcw AS§n acw BßlXy sN¿pw. F§ë v. F´p hnhcw, F´p ]cnÚm\w. sbhs\mìw t\mt_ ss{]kv sImSp¡m³ Bêw D mhnÃ. hnthN\w AÃmsX´m. ]dª t]mse Cu I[ Dr Amir Khaan TZPþbn ]dªXmsWì Nne Akqb¡mÀ ]dbpw. AXp Np½m. 

     Imcyw F´mbmepw 
indian economy CSnbp¶Xn indiaþ¡mcsâ ]¦v F¶ {]_Ôw Bé Cu Ffnbh³ Dt±inç¶Xv. A Comprehensive Study of Turbulence in India Economy .a\Ênemtbm?? Imf hmep s]m¡nbt¸msf Nne æXn ImenIÄ¡v Imcyw a\Ênembv Iméw....a\ÊnembntÃ...Imf hmep s]m¡nbXp \ns¶ Hs¡ Nhn«m³. s]mdsI \n¶v AXpw CXpw ImWn¨m C§s\ Ccnçw. là ]ns¶. cmhnse Xs¶ ]Xnhp t]mse HmSn¡nX¨p t_mÊv ImWsX Hfn¨pw ]m¯pw Bk\¯n hmepw Npê«n sh¨v D]hnã\mbt¸mÄ {]nbs¸« dialog HmÀ¯p...Fs¶ t]mse DÅhÀs¡ B t]ê tNê. teäv IaÀ...Xnc¡n«v Cs¸m ae adn¡m³ F¶ `mh¯n I¼}«À Hm¬ sNbvXp sabnÂt_mIvkvþDw at\mca Hm¬sse³þDw Xpdì. ASp¯pÅ kl{]hÀ¯IÀ am\y·À Iot_mÀUn sN  tafw \S¯pì. cmhnse Xs¶ NmänwKv XpS§n Fì tXmìì. 

Latest news..cq]bpsS aqeyw hoµpw CSnªp sk³kvIvkv aqçæ¯n, tUmfÀ sdt¡mÀUv \nehmc¯nte¡v.... F¶nse KÄ^v aebmfn DWcvì..sImÅmw æsd IqSn CSnbs«. G¶n«p thWw \à {Sm³kv^À tdän ]Ww Ab¡m³. FÃmw IqSn CSnªp s]mfnbs«. Software enginnerBsWì ]dªp æsd eh·À \m«n hnekpì v. Ignª XhW \m«n s]mbt¸mÄ Fs´ms¡ ImW³U hì. DSp XpWn¡v adp XpWn CÃm¯hsâ Acbn Levis,wrangler, apL¯p Rayban,FastTrack. I¿n Nokia sam^oÂ. \m«n t]mbv hnekm³ Imip sImSp¯p mobile hm§nb Rm³ shdpw a ³. HTC toouchpad mobile s\ AhÀ ssN\ samss_ B¡n. Aht\ms¡ collegeþ t]mIm³ ST Xcm¯ I Îsd hnfn¨ sXdn Ct¸mfpw Rm³ Fsâ d^d³kv ssKUv Bbv D]tbmKn¡mdp v. F¶n«nt¸mtfm santro,altoþbn s]®ns\w sIm v Id¡w. \oe sk³ Iµv \m«pImÀ Ien¸mæs¼m red santro and visversa. AXn\s{X c p h³Un. G§ë v _p²n. FÔnt\sc..\½psS hSt¡se tXmakv A¨mb³ honda Imdn Npäpì. ho«p apä¯v h¶v Cd§nbt¸mÄ A½ kXyw F\nç a\ÊnembnÃ. Safaari suit,Gold chain,polished¶m ep¡v. hey d_À apXemfn BsWì ]dªns«Ôm Imcyw. tIm«v C« {io\nhmk³ amdn \nçw. Malasyian rubberþë demand CÃXmtbm Bshm. 

   \m«n F¯nbt¸mtf A©msd®w Npäpw IqSn. 
sensexþsâ c mw `mKw am{Xw Adnbmhp¶hÀ Fs¶ kmw_¯nI imkv{Xw ]Tn¸n¨p. sImsd F®¯ns\ KÄ^v Zmcn{[yw ]dªp Hgnh¡n.sImd¨p IqSn skân Cd¡nbm AhÀ hà \¡m¸n¨bpw F\nç Xt¶s\. do\ tN¨nsbbpw sPÊntN¨nsbbpw Hgnhm¡m³ ]änbnÃ. h¶Xp hgnbntem asähnsStbm XSªnês¶§nÂ..... Mutual fund t]mepw. 3 sImÃw sIm v C«Xnsâ Cc«n Fì Fsâ Xte ssI sh¨p c v t]êw kXyw sNbvXp. (s]m«nt¸mImXncn¡m³ tImXawKew ]pWymfë 2 IqSv sagpæXncn t\À¶Xp Cs¸mgpw ISw).. C«p Rmëw æsd Imiv tÌm¡nÂ. F¶ns«´mbv.....HSphn D®n¡rjvW³ ]dª t]mse Upw Upw F¶v s]m«nbntÃ. Imiv t]mbmepw th nÃ. \m«nse æsd t]À hgnbm[cw BbtÃm AXp aXn. Bombay Stock exchangC ssI Xebn sh¨v hm s]mfn¨v Ccnç¶hs\ I t¸mÄ Nncn hì. Ah³ BWn taemtWm Ccnçt¶? 

   là ]dªp h¶ Imcyw AXÃ. temI¯nsâ FÃm tImWnepw DÅ {]hmkn C´ym¡mÀ C§s\ Häs¡«mbv {]mInbm AXnë ^ew D mhntÃ? \à
Currency trasfer rate, CSnªp hoW real estate,stock marketþC \nt£]w. A§s\ {]mÀ°n¡m³ FÃmhÀçw Hmtcm ImcW§Ä. `mcXmws_sb k½Xn¡Ww. Fs§s\tbm adjust sN¿pì v. Xe t]mIªp t]mIªp PMþsâ XmSnbpw NnZw_cw kmdnsâ apSnbpw Imew XnI¡msX sImgnªp t]mæì.sh«nXnf§p¶tÃm \n³ Xe hnw _mdn«p IgpInb ]m{Xw t]mse...lmÀ¸nIv C« tSmbneäv t]mse. 

  \m«nepÅ {]nbs¸« C´y³ C´y³kv. sNSn hfcm³ Nph«n aq{Xw Hgnç¶ sIm¨p æ«nbpsS \njvIf§XtbmsS Bé Cu {]mçw aäpw . CsXms¡ shdpw Nofp {]hmkn ëw_êIÄ. 
BSE points t\m¡n Xmgpwt_mÄ C\nbpw Xmgpw Fìw s]m§pwt_mÄ C\nbpw s]m§pw Fì ]dbp¶ kmw_XnI hnZàÀ {]hNn¨ kmw_XnI iàn BI\saMvKn Hê ]mSp aps¶dmës ì Cu hojvN \s½ ]Tn¸n¡s«..Cu sNdp XS椀 FÃmw amdpw.. NJOY